On Going Key Projects

Six/Four Laning of NH-5 (New NH 16) from Puintola to Tangi (Km. 284.00 to Km 355.00) in the state of Odisha on EPC Mode.
PROJECT COST: 438.00 Crore
DATE OF WORK ORDER: 04-06-2021
CLIENT : NHAI/ Punj Llyod Ltd. Gurugram

Construction of various security Structures at Airside at IGI Airport New Delhi
DATE OF WORK ORDER: 07-01-2021
CLIENT : GMR, DIAL,IGI Airport New Delhi

ARMO Contract for Road works in Landside Area at IGI Airport, New Delhi New Delhi
DATE OF WORK ORDER: 07-01-2021
CLIENT : GMR, DIAL,IGI Airport New Delhi.

Annual rate contract of Road Marking Road furniture work in Land Site Area of T1,T2 and T3 of IGI Airport, New Delhi
DATE OF WORK ORDER: 14-12-2021
CLIENT : GMR, DIAL,IGI Airport New Delhi

Strengthening of Pankha Road Bhagwan Mahavir Mandir Marg (KaliMata Mandir To Dabri Flyover) and Shani Bazar Road (Shri Radha Krishna Thakur Marg (ID-1160) from Vidya Marg to Dabri road Janakpuri under Division WR-1, Janakpuri,New Delhi
DATE OF WORK ORDER: 26-05-2020

Comprehensive Maintenance various road under South west Road Division--2 PWD, New Delhi (SH: Civil works cleaning of Roads including carriage way, Footpaths, Central Verge, Service Road etc. within the right way)
DATE OF WORK ORDER: 14-02-2020

Strengthening of roads of pankha road (ID 1155) underPWD,SWR-II Division New Delhi .B Strengthening of roads of Pt. Vishnu Dutt Marg (ID 1224) and Connecting road (ID 1225) at Janak Puri under PWD SWR-II division New Delhi. Strengthening of Palam Dabri Road
DATE OF WORK ORDER: 09-01-2020
S.no | Name of Principal | "Data of Workorder/Contract" | Description of Work | Value (In Rs.) |
1 | NHAI/ Punj Llyod Ltd. Gurugram. | LOA Dt. 04.06.2018 | Six/Four Laning of NH-5 (New NH 16) from Puintola to Tangi (Km. 284.00 to Km 355.00) in the state of Odisha on EPC Mode. | 4,38,27,76,000 |
2 | Millenium City Expressways Pvt.Ltd. | MCEPL/CPA/ 03-21/56 dated 08.03.2021 | Conversion of Delhi-Gurgaon Section of National Highway-8 from Km.14.3 to Km.42 into an acess control 8/6 Lane Highway from Rao Tula Ram Marg juction(Km 14/300) to Narsinghpur (Km 42/000) on BOT basis-Workorder for major maintenance work including laying of BC & DBM work onMCW and BC on Service road from Km.14.300 to 42.000 LHS (Delhi to Jaipur side) along the project highway of NH-8 as lump-sum Contract-reg. | 95,57,03,705 |
3 | Millenium City Expressways Pvt.Ltd. | MCEPL/CPA/ 12-20/52 | Conversion of Delhi-Gurgaon Section of NationalHighway-8 from Km. 14.3 to Km.42 into an acess control 8/6 Lane Expressway on BOT basis | 40,00,14,843 |
4 | Bharat Road Network Ltd. | WO/BRNL/HO/ O&M/03 dated 04.06.2021 | Work order for major maintenance works between Thrissur to Edapally section of NH 544 in the state of Kerala | 50,07,00,000 |
5 | Yamuna International Airport Pvt.Ltd. | PO No.YIAPL/ 2021-22/034 Dated 02/09/2021 | Cleaning and Grubbing work & Supply and Installation of Precast Boundry Wall System at Noida International Airport. | 11,21,79,650 |
6 | PWD | NIT No.41/EE/ PWD/WR 1/2019-20 | Strengthening of Pankha Road Bhagwan MahavirMandir Marg (KaliMata Mandir To Dabri Flyover) and Shani Bazar Road (Shri Radha Krishna Thakur Marg (ID-1160) from Vidya Marg to Dabri road Janakpuri under Division WR-1, Janakpuri,New Delhi | 2,66,29,697 |
7 | GMR, DIAL, IGI Airport New Delhi | PO No.5000012166 dated 02.03.2021 | Civil work for constrution of Airside access road along with Associate Utilities (Drain ,Street,Lights) for Development of GSD workshop near Fire station No.3 at IGI Airport New Delhi | 1,11,95,366 |
8 | PWD | NIT No. 71/EE/SWR-1/ PWD/2020-21 dated 08.02.2021 | Road Restoration of Vandemataram marg from Opp.CPRTI to shanker chowk dug by DTL Under PWD Division South west road-I during 2020-21 under sub division-IV | 21,54,679 |
9 | PWD | NIT No. 72/EE/SWR-1/ PWD/2020-21 dated 08002.2021 | Road Restoration of Various road cut by delhi transco limited from R.K.Puram Sector-2 to Starting ring road near shani mandir on AfricaAvenue Marg under PWD Division South west Road-I during 2020-21 under sub division-II. | 21,48,633 |
10 | PWD | NIT No. 73/EE/SWR-1/ PWD/2020-21 dated 08.02.2021 | Road Restoration of Various road cut by delhi transco limited fromDrectorate general of NDRFCD to R.K.Puram Bus Stop1 and 4 and Ravidass Dharmsasthan to DTC Bus Stop R.K Puram secror 1 and 4 and Diectorate Genaeral ofNDRFCD to Ring Road Near IOCL Petrol Pump and Shani Mandir underPWD Division South west Road-I during 2020-21 under sub division-II. | 34,39,919 |
11 | PWD | NIT No. 74/EE/SWR-1/ PWD/2020-21 dated 08.02.2021 | Road Restoration of Various road cut by delhi transco limited for Laying of 220 KV D/C Under Ground XLPE From VenkateshwaraMandir to DTC Bus Stop R.K.Puram Sector-2 under PWD Division South west Road-I during 2020-21 under sub division-II. | 25,52,373 |
S.no | Name of Principal | "Data of Workorder/Contract" | Description of Work | Value (In Rs.) |
12 | GMR, DIAL,IGI Airport New Delhi | PO NO. 5000065121 Dt.07.01.2021 | ARMO Contract for Road works in Landside Area at IGI Airport, New Delhi New Delhi | 36,52,128 |
13 | PWD | NIT No. 70/EE/SWR-1/ PWD/2020-21 dated 08.02.2021 | Road Restoration of Vandemataram marg from dyal chowk to shanker chowk (LHS) dug by ECILfor laying OFC cable for delhi police CCTV project Under PWD Division South west road-I during 2020-21 under sub division-IV | 32,24,405 |
14 | GMR, DIAL, IGI Airport New Delhi | PO No.5200066774-1 Dated 09.07.2021 | T2-BMA Surface repair works at IGI Airport,New Delhi | 18,05,180 |
15 | GMR, DIAL,IGI Airport New Delhi | PO NO. 5000012045-1 Dt. 07.01.2021 | Constuction of various security Structures at Airside at IGI Airport New Delhi | 85,23,815 |
16 | GMR, DIAL,IGI Airport New Delhi | PO NO. 5000064833 Dt.14.12.2020 | Annual rate contract of Road Marking Road furniture work in Land Site Area of T1,T2 and T3 of IGI Airport,New Delhi | 14,94,470 |
TOTAL | 6,41,81,94,863.00 |