List of major work done Name Of Work/ Project & Location Owner Or Sponsoring Organisation Cost Of Work IN Rs. (Gross Work Done) Date Of Commencement Stipulated Date Of Completion Actual Date Of Completion
1 Construction of Six/Four Laning of NH-5 (New NH-16) from Puintola to Tangi (Km. 284.000 to 355.000) in the state of Odisha on EPCMode. National Highway Authority Of India 1,00,67,00,000 17.12.2018 - -
2 Annual Contracts for Construction /Reconstruction / Resurfacing of R unw ay / Tax iw ay s / Aprons and Pheripheral R oads I nc luding Rigid/Flexible Road and Drainage Structure of Box Culverts , Pipe Culverts, RCC Drains in The Area of Delhi International Airport2016-2019. Delhi International Airport Limited / GMR 47,41,62,332 06.09.2016 09.02.2019 30.04.2019
3 Road work of Hospitality District & Landside area at IGI Airport, New Delhi AND ii) Construction of Taxiway PAPA -1 & Associated civil work at Airside IGI Airport, New Delhi iii) Providing & Laying DBM & BC, Dismantling, Disposal etc., at CISFNAKA,IGIAirport,NewDelhi. Vijay Nirman Company Pvt. Ltd. 25,66,10,737 03.06.2017 12.09.2017 31.03.2018
4 Conversion of Delhi Gurgaon -Section of National Highway 8 from 14.3 to Km. 42 into an access control 8 /6 Lane Expresswayon BOTBasis. Millennium City Expressways Private Limited 12,65,43,265 10.07.2019 30.07.2019 11.09.2019
5 Strengthening of the existing 2 lanes carriageway , constructing additional4 lanes , service road, footpath, drainage , X-drainage works, fixing kerb stone constructing culverts etc. at Dwarka projectPhase-1 ,Group-INewDelhi. Unitech Ltd. 27,13,63,394 13.12.2001 12.02.2002 06.01.2004
6 C/O proposed Link road from NH-8 through Southern Boundary of Airport Authority. SH: Construction of road, footpath, S.W. Drain( Harvesting s y s t em ) , Bridge Abut m ent s and Approach ofR.U.B DDA/Valecha Engineering ltd 18,73,11,052 15.12.2003 14.09.2004 28.11.2006
7 Widening and Strengthening of road from Karbala Junction to Amer road Junction on Delhi Bypass road Jaipur (Package NO.JAI/ST/05) RUIDP / Valecha Engineering ltd. 11,70,54,477 17.03.2003 02.03.2004 29.09.2006
8 "Widening and Upgradation of Road - Rohtak-Kharkhoda Delhi Border ( SH- 18) Km.10200 to 40.760" HSRDC / M/s Unity -infra Projects ltd. 17,49,69,593 30.07.2008 30.06.2009 31.10.2010
9 Development of Parking lot for DTC for Commonwealth Games near I.P.Station atRing Road,NewDelhi. Public Works Department/M-141 9,17,38,321 29.09.2009 28.03.2010 4.11.2010
10 Improvement and Upgradation of Mehroli Badarpur Road Public Works Department CRMD M-112 Ishwar Nagar New Delhi 8,30,32,217 27.12.2009 26.06.2010 11.10.2010
11 Street Scaping work and adjoining Lodhi road for Common Wealth games 2010- 11 PWD/ MCD / MBL infraprojects ltd 11,65,06,227 23.12.2009 - 30.09.2010
12 Providing Dense Bituminous macadam (DBM ) & Bituminous Concrete ( BC) as per technical specificatio ERA Infra Engineering Ltd. 5,53,76,389 24.11.2010 - -
13 Work order for the execution Bitumen Macad am, Bituminous Concrete. Prime coat & tack coat includin GMR DIAL, New India Infra Buildtech Limited 7,38,27,580 20.06.2010 - -
14 Strengthening of road no.25 ( Dev prakash Shastri Marg from T junction Loha Mandi to “R” Block New Public Works Department M-111 R.R. Lines, Dhaulakuan, New Delhi 61,205,951 15.02.2010 14-05-2010 30-11-2010
15 C/o Cycle track from Loni flyover to Bhopura Border on road no.63 Public Works Department M-213, Shastri Park, New Delhi 4,73,80,312 06.05.2009 05.11.2009 17.04.2010
16 B i t u m i n o u s M a c a d a m , D e n s e B i t u m i n o u s M a c a d a m , D e n s e Bitumin GMR Group / LARSEN & TOUBRO ( ECC Division ) Terminal 3 and Runway project office , near Centaur hot 5,62,87,195 1.10.2010 - 31.12.2011
17 Strengthening of road no. 17 (Nelson Mandela Marg) from T Point Baba Gang singh marg to T Point Meh PWD/ K.R Anand 12,81,00,000 01.05.2010 -
18 Bituminous work at Jawaharlal Nehru Stadiumparking area. Punj Lyod 10,00,00,000 01.04.2011 14.09.2004 28.11.2006
19 Construction of Approach road to New Taxi Parking Behind New Udaan Bhawan ofIGIAirportNewDelhi GMR Group/DIAL 73,60,714 14.09.2004 28.11.2006
20 Strengthening of New Rohtak Road (from Faiz road to Zakhira Flyover ) New Delhi. Public Works Department M-111 R.R. Lines, Dhaulakuan, New Delhi 9,01,22,178 1.10.2012 31.1.2013 22.4.2013
21 Strengthening of Najafgarh Road ( Shivaji Marg) From Raja Garden to Zakhira. Public Works Department M-111 R.R. Lines, Dhaulakuan, New Delhi 21,85,57,939 30.10.2012 30.04.2013 05.10.2013
22 Strengthening of Najafgarh Jharoda Road upto Bahadurgarh Border New Delhi Public Works Department M-142, New Delhi 04.10.2012 03.08.2013 09.09.2013
23 Strengthening of Faiz road ( From New RohtakRoad to PUSAroad ) NewDelhi. Public Works Department M-111 R.R. Lines, Dhaulakuan, New Delhi 3,20,02,196 1.10.2012 31.01.2013 15.07.2013
24 Strengthening signage work and upgradation of street light in Rohini sector 18 interconnecting roads transferred to PWD from MCD, Delhi. (SH:Strengthening ofRoad ) Public Works Department M-311, Mukarba Chowk, New Delhi 2,49,65,305 3.12.2012 9.03.2013 05.07.2013
25 Strengthening of internal roads of vasant kunj Area -i.e. (1) DAV school road from Aruna asafAli road to delhi jal board tube well (2) B-1 Telephone exchange road from Mehrauli road to B-5 & B-6 road -3 , B-2 & B-3 Road from Shiv mandir to B-5 & B-6 road (4) D-1 & D-2 road from MM road to ILBS Hospital (5) Sports complex road from ILBS Hospital to MM Road (6) Vatika Road from MM Road to DPS School.” Public Works Department M-113 Barar Square, Dhaulakuan, New Delhi 3,55,82,548 11.01.2013 10.5.2013 04.06.2013
26 Strengthening and Upgradation of Street Lighting of Bahadurgarh road , New Delhi.( SH:Civil work). Public Works Department M-413, New Delhi 2,05,45,733 21.12.2012 20.04.2013 05.10.2013
27 Strengthening / widening of carriageway and renovation of footpath on Gurudwara road from(RD- 0 to RD550 mtr.) Delhi Public Works Department M-412, New Delhi 1,60,17,417 11.01.2013 11.03.2013 3.10.2013
28 Improvement and Strengthening of Bharat Nagar Road from Gulab Singh Marg to Swami Narayan Marg. (SH: Strengthening of road and improvement offootpath & Drain.) Public Works Department M-313, New Delhi 6,04,61,724 30.03.2013 24.12.2013 21.03.2014
29 Widening of Goyla Deenpur Road from 2 lane to 4 lane on one side and profile correction of existing road from Ch. 550 to 1850 m Public Works Department M-141, New Delhi 4,23,93,961 28.09.2013 27.01.2014 30.05.2014
30 Improvement of Burari Road from Kingsway Camp to Road No. 50.(SH: Strengthening of road, improvement of footpath & drain). Public Works Department M-313, New Delhi 16,64,43,466 20.03.2013 14.12.2013 14.07.2014
31 Improvement of carriageway, footpath and storm water drain of Roshnara Road from Malka Ganj Chowk to Pull Bangash Metro Station. (SH: Strengthening of road, improvement of footpath and drain). Public Works Department M-313, New Delhi 8,86,89,324 05.04.2013 30.12.2013 09.10.2014
32 Strengthening of roads Improvement of footpath and drain providing and fixing retro reflective signage upgradation of street light and horticulture work of various roads in South Pitam Pura Delhi under PWD Zone M-3. SH Strengthening of roads anand improvement of footpath and drain Public Works Department M-311, New Delhi 14,28,70,327 06.03.2013 01.09.2013 09.07.2014
33 Strengthening of Subhash Nagar X-ing to Rajouri Apartment (MayaPuri Road) dg.2013-14,NewDelhi Public Works Department M-111, New Delhi 6,90,86,942 02.01.2014 01.05.2014 25.07.2014
34 C o n s t r u c t i o n o f f o o t p a t h a n d improvement of road surface of Mandi road NewDelhi Public Works Department M-442, New Delhi 4,29,02,672 03.06.2014 02.09.2014 15.01.2015
35 Rehabilitation of Taxiway `C` at Indira Gandhi International Airport,NewDelhi GMR, IGI Airport, New Delhi 1,88,06,200 03.08.2015 03.11.2015 03.11.2015
36 Micro Surfacing work at SIDGUL, Haridwar,Uttrakhand UPRNN Ltd. Nirman, Dehradun 4,98,85,000 20.11.2015 31.01.2016 03.11.2015
37 Rehabilitation of Airside Pavements and Associated Works at Indira Gandhi International Airport,NewDelhi GMR, IGI Airport, New Delhi 12,48,53,651 03.10.2015 03.10.2016 03.10.2016
38 Improvement & Maintenance of Roads and Drains at Jhilmil Industrial Area Block‘A’ & ‘B’. Executive Engineer DSIIDC (CD-18) A, Lajpat Nagar, New Delhi 16,74,22,858 03.01.2015 02.01.2016 25.07.2016
39 Redevelopment & Maintenance of Roads Industrial Area. Upgradation of roads & drains etc. G.T. Karnal Road Industrial Area. Executive Engineer DSIIDC (CD-18) A, Lajpat Nagar, New Delhi 8,79,04,895 18.12.2015 17.09.2016 29.09.2016
40 Operation and Maintenance of existing 4 lane Highway of Vadape to Gonde Section - Carrying out Micro Surfacing work(Type - III) on ProjectHighway. Mumbai Nasik Expressway Ltd. 3,49,37,565 21.04.2016 15.05.2016 08.06.2016
41 Construction of DBM/BC works including transportation laying and compaction fromKM107.00 to 154.00 Galfar Engineering & Contractors Co. Ltd. 1,39,50,000 05.01.2017
42 Refurbishment of Terminal T-2 at IGI Airport, New Delhi Airside Civil Works at T-2 Apron Areas. GMR, IGI Airport, New Delhi 2,03,58,764 06.09.2016 06.08.2016
43 Improvement of Ring Road fromAIIMS to Hyatt Regency & Africa Avenue Road under PWDSouth Zone,NewDelhi Executive Engineer, PWD Division M-113(N) New Delhi 4,63,91,635 14.10.2015 13.11.2015 04.04.2016
44 Micro Surfacing & Road Marking by Thermoplastic paint at NH - 24 Marginal Bundh Road and VikasMarg in Patches. Executive Engineer, PWD Division M-212 New Delhi 1,94,01,915 18.11.2015 06.11.2015 05.11.2015