About Us
"Quality Contracting on Time, Within Budget"
Here at CPA we are dedicated to providing building solutions for tomorrow’s world. We combine creative planning, design and construction with innovative engineering techniques to develop the most appropriate solutions, working sustainably to conserve energy, protect the environment and build communities.
With an equipment fleet worth tens of crores of rupees and a considerable capacity of undertaking the projects, the CPA provides the public and private sectors with a wide range of contracting services. Our production teams work closely with our safety, quality control and environmental departments to get the projects finished on time and within the provision of budget, while meeting all quality assurance parameters and by following the applicable regulations.
While operating in the key markets involving infrastructure works we execute innovative and high quality civil engineering works along with the specialization in undertaking Micro surfacing and operation & maintenance (O&M) of the BOT roads held by the private enterprises, with the result people, whom we work for, often choose to remain associated with us for every other such work under their control.
At the heart of our work is the desire to make a real difference in everything we do while helping to transform lives and communities and accordingly we engage the best engineering people and make use of the best available resources to help us achieve this goal. The quality of the service rendered by our associated partners and our suppliers, coupled with the transparent process of our management and ensures that we consistently delivered a professional service which is best in itself.
The success of CPA is founded more on engaging the best people and the best resources to make a real difference. We are proud of our values and our culture which are at the heart of our company and set the standard for how we behave. Our business is driven by the needs of our clients, our partners and our people. As a dynamic and innovative company, we continually explore new market opportunities to develop and expand our business. We are proud of the people associated with our business and we do everything to let their reputation remain intact and at all time high.
With this intention and with this way of our working we have been successful in providing the best and timely maintenance support to GMR, the operating authority for world no. 1 Airport here at Delhi functioning with the name of Indira Gandhi International Airport, New Delhi, to keep the Airport running round the clock and for throughout the year by handling the prestigious world class flights and at the same time by handling millions of people flying to & from the Airport yearly with every convenience by keeping the surface of the Roads, Taxis or Runways intact at all time.

Our Journey
Founder of Our Company
Late Shri. Chander Prakash Arora, the true founder of our company however inherited this business from his father but with his far-sightedness & clear vision he could gather in his mind that for a country like ours, which was on the threshold of picking up the momentum for the development of its infrastructure, it was a dire necessity for every upcoming society for any developing nation to have a perfectly organized infrastructure.
With this clear vision of the development of infrastructure, as a mandatory requirement in the time to come, our founder Late Shri. Chander Prakash Arora started undertaking the works of infrastructure, of whatever magnitude as was feasible, in the years around five decades back.
The journey which, the respected founder of our company started and carried on till his life time, is being carried further by everyone here in the company now in the similar spirit and with the very objective of being a part of the team for building the infrastructure which is a mandatory and basic requirement for the civilised society of every developed nation.
We as such call ourselves as the one who is engaged in building nation for the habitation of the civilised society.
The Jobs
"we undertake primari"
Construction of Roads and other allied works
Maintenance of Runway & Taxiways
Micro Surfacing works
Operation and Maintenance of BOT Roads
External Development including landscaping
Mechanized Road Sweeping

Our Clients